Active Compression technology has been used by doctors for years to treat both traumatic and chronic swelling in the joints. This forces the body to reabsorb fluids (edema) more rapidly. Air Compression Sleeves have been scientifically proven to help athletes accelerate recovery and decrease occurrences of stiffness and pain.

RX Athlete Recovery now makes this type of recovery available to athletes everywhere, without a prescription.

  • Go beyond the body's natural muscle contraction, compressing the entire extremity in a "milking" sequence each cycle
  • Help remove edema from overworked muscles and joints
  • Increase delivery of oxygen to the site by increasing blood flow
  • Curb some effects of eccentric exercise like muscle tenderness, pain, stiffness and swelling often associated with DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

RX Athlete Recovery Sleeves are highly effective and convenient to use. The boots, arm sleeves and connecting hoses can be quickly snapped into the same medical-grade compression pump. The entire system weighs less than 5 pounds allowing you to carry a complete system with you wherever you go. There is no complex user manual or programming interface and each sequential cycle offloads the entire limb.

Take your Recovery to a new level.